
Friday, May 3, 2013

Access to the Garden!

If you are inspired by spring and like to garden, or just think you might like to garden, you'll want to check out Access to the Garden, the blog and facebook page of Brenda Brown Parent, who shares her gardening passion as woman with incomplete quadriplegia. Access to the Garden is full of beautiful photographs and personal tales on many fronts, including Brenda's advocacy for accessibility of public properties.

Brenda lives in South Carolina, so her gardening season is well ahead of ours in New England where we've been enjoying daffodils and now the sudden surge forward of spring in early May. Brenda is a fan of raised beds of course and liking her facebook page is a great way to find out what's hot in the world of accessible gardening, like these rolling raised planters. Tips on planting and design abound, with lots of comments by other gardeners. While Brenda is a potent advocate for accessible garden design, her fresh perspective is enjoyed by all. Check her out on Pinterest too, where you'll find several articles and videos.