
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Massachusetts Welcomes Floating Beach Wheelchairs

Over the past three summers, floating beach wheelchairs have been multiplying at public beaches on Cape Cod. Soon they will become prevalent along the coast of Massachusetts from Cape Cod to Salisbury Beach on the New Hampshire border. Now anyone with a physical disability who would like access from a car across the sand and into the water can accomplish this task with ease, thanks to the amazing endeavor of two mothers of children with disabilities who comprise an organization called SMILE Mass.
SMILE (Small Miracles in Life Exist!) Mass is the creation of Lottie Diomede and Susan Brown. Together they are raising money through special events and donations to purchase Mobi-Chairs as part of their mission to improve the quality of life - and especially vacations - for people with disabilities and their caregivers. 64 floating beach wheelchairs have now been donated to beaches in 14 towns across Cape Cod. To see the full list of the beaches with the beach wheelchairs, click here. These wheelchairs are always free to use and are suitable for anyone with mobility issues, both children and adults alike. Susan and Lottie have big plans to continue placing Mobi-Chairs along the coast of New England, as well as other similarly inspirational projects in the works.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Liberated With SideStix

SideStix All Terrain Crutches change people's lives! If you walk but have mobility issues and you are missing your former all terrain habits, consider SideStix!

These lightweight, well-engineered Canadian crutches offer shock absorption, an articulating/rotating ankle, padded cuffs, ergonomic hand grips and interchangeable tips for sand, mud, snow and ice. They are designed to take the strain off your shoulders and other joints as well as get you out where you want to be!

My neighbor Libby suffers from premature degeneration of her hip joints. She called me up to see what I might know of that could help her walk in the woods again. We discussed various options including hiking poles and SideStix.

After trying the SideStix, she was ecstatic. "I walked the dogs today with the SideStix. I didn't cry on my way home. I could walk and not be in pain at the end of the day. This is going to change my life!"