
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Exploring the Southern Berkshires - Bash Bish Falls and BNRC Trails

I took a step back in time this week and traveled to the Berkshires, where at higher elevation, spring is a week or so behind the Connecticut River Valley and urban places. It was a relief to have less pollen to contend with in these allergy prone times.

It also turns out to be a nice time to visit Bash Bish Falls State Park- before the crowds arrive for the summer. With a jumble of big rocks and a cascade ending in an 80' drop, this waterfall will not disappoint - but it is also a serious people magnet. This popular park in the southwest corner of Massachusetts is heavily visited from Memorial Day through Labor day and probably well into the fall. The main entrance is in New York state, where this park is called Taconic State Park. It is a quick trip from the New York City area. I would think twice before going on weekends. There can be 2-3000 people visiting this small rugged park to picnic and enjoy the cooler temperatures and cold water rushing off of adjacent mountains. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

Biking and Hiking in Blackstone

Marjorie on the first bridge.
Last week I ventured towards Rhode Island to the Blackstone River Bikeway, located at 85 Canal Street in Blackstone, MA. That is where you can access a 3.7 mile section of completed bike path for a very pleasant walk or ride. The Bikeway is part of a much larger trails project, still in progress. I met up with my friend Marjorie Turner Hollman, an author and specialist in Easy Walks.

On this warm spring day, I found Marjorie suited up in her gel packs, which keep her cool on days that threaten to get too warm. With her national parks volunteer hat and walking attire, she was the perfect ambassador to greet me to her part of our state. As we walked she pointed out various highlights along the trail - nearby rapids, trailside playground, and flowering red maple trees. How wonderful to be out on the trail in good company and to learn more about the area from a local person who loves it well!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Whiting Street Reservoir - An Easy Hike in Holyoke

Along Whiting Street Reservoir
April weather is drawing more people into the outdoors and last week I had the pleasure of being welcomed to a new place for me, Whiting Street Reservoir in Holyoke. Sarah Wedaman, local mother of a child with a disability, invited me to check out this favorite place to jog with her son in his stroller. We met on a sunny, warm afternoon and circled the reservoir in an hour and a half on a pleasant stroll.

Roadside parking is at the end of Mountain Park road in Holyoke, off Route 5. There are no designated accessible parking spots and no bathrooms or buildings at this popular location. Best times to go are during the weekdays when you can park close to the gate on relatively level pavement. Recently paving around the gate has created an accessible entry. To go around the reservoir - which is not visible from your car - choose to walk the uphill road. (The downhill choice enters the Mt. Tom Ski Area.) The paved road has a long gradual grade uphill and a steeper descent alongside noisy I-91 before you arrive on flat ground next to a  portapotty (not wheelchair accessible), which I found very clean inside.