
Friday, September 9, 2022

Help Accessible Trail Signage Design by Visiting Walden Pond

Trailhead signage provides an overview.
    Fall is a great time to visit the parks - it's cooler and the parks are less crowded! At Walden Pond State Reservation in Concord, MA, the Thoreau House Site Trail is universally accessible for all visitors. It's a great outing for families and people of all ages with changing StoryWalks. An installation of temporary trail signage is up and needing your comments to help the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) develop good signage that works for everyone. Add a trip to Walden Pond to your places-to-go list this fall!

    If you would like to use a durable wheelchair on the trail, call in advance or stop by the Visitor Center to request the "trails chair". This accommodation offered by the park can be used independently, or supported by a family member, school staff person, or other caregiver pushing. See photo of the trails chair at Walden Pond at the end of this post.