
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Help Me Raise Money for Athletes With Disabilities!

Recently I was contacted by Plastics Makes It Possible to help raise money for the Athletes With Disabilities Network. This is an invitation to bloggers to support a great cause - the blogger who raises the most money will have $5000 donated in their name by Plastics Makes It Possible to the ADN.
The ADN is a successful Michigan-based network of recreation partners that offers team sports, extreme sports, and mentoring for youth, in addition to a wide variety of recreation activities. The ADN is seeking greater national awareness and has recently opened its eleven year old Hall of Fame to include people with disabilities from across the country.

If you make a donation from my blog by April 30th - there is a place in the sidebar - your support of a terrific adaptive sports and recreation program might also increase visibility for Everyone Outdoors.

Plastics Makes It Possible is an initiative of the American Chemistry Council, which strongly supports ADN's mission to promote better quality of life by creating opportunities for people with disabilities. Plastics are crucial to so many of our everyday medical and safety products and they also are vital components in the innovative sports and recreation equipment and prosthetic devices used by many people with disabilities.
Two-time Paralympian and Desert Storm veteran John Register is working with Plastics Makes It Possible to help ADN raise over $25,000. John is a track and field athlete who lost a leg due to the complications from an injury sustained while hurdling. After rehabilitation he qualified to swim in the the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta, then won the silver medal in the long jump at the 2000 Games in Sydney. He continues to support athletes with disabilities through inspirational speaking, direct work with veterans, and managing the Paralympic Academy Youth Outreach Program. Thanks John!
And thanks for YOUR help in supporting athletes with disabilities!!! Please visit the sidebar and make a donation!

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