
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Follow Luke and Learn to Sail on the Charles River in Boston!

I haven't made it to the Esplanade in Boston yet this summer to sail with Community Boating, but reports are trickling in from new sailors who have discovered the joys of adaptive sailing already. Luke Baca is one of the newest and happiest. The thrill of sailing seems to override any of the usual limitations that might hinder a young man with Spina Bifida who has paralyzed legs, difficulty with fine motor control, and an anxiety disorder. Normal anxiousness about leaving his chair or sustaining minor injuries like blisters or splinters seems to evaporate in the sailing environment. According to Luke, "I'm not really disabled on water, because no one can walk on water. In fact, I have such upper body strength, I'm at an advantage!"

Luke and his mother Marie found out about the adaptive sailing program at the Accessible Recreation Fair in Boston in early June. Luke just started sailing a little over two weeks ago and quickly showed a knack for being in charge of his own boat, telling his grandfather that mutiny would not be tolerated and he'd have to walk the plank.  His mother was banned from taking pictures while he learned to sail and "did his job" of keeping the boat from tipping. She must have disobeyed the captain to capture his picture above! During his second session last weekend he learned to work the tiller and the main mast. Luke plans to sail every week this summer.

"Its great to see him so happy and so determined to learn something new!" says Marie. "Cycling at the Fair and learning to sail have given him more confidence than I've seen in ages. The fact that Luke has something to look forward to after a long week of tests, evaluations and doctor's appointments is too good for words!"

The adaptive sailing program at Community Boating costs $1 for the summer. Participants who need to can park their vehicles close to the boathouse and also use the accessible restrooms there. A Hoyer lift is available on dock to assist with transfers as needed. Sailing takes place daily, from 3-5pm on weekdays, and from 10am-2pm on weekends. Call 617-523-1038 for more information and to sign up!

Thanks to Marie Baca for sharing Luke's story and the use of her photos!

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