
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Family Fun Day at the Weston Ski Track

Jennifer Willoth turned 24 today and celebrated
with a long run on a modified sitski
 around the 2km track.
Today's first Universal Access winter program at the Weston Ski Track was a fantastic success. Several families with disabilities enjoyed the groomed snowpack along with hundreds of other winter enthusiasts. After yesterday's storm, the sun shone and everyone revelled in spring-like temperatures. I was struck by how many of our young participants tried out the entire range of equipment we had to offer.

An energetic girl named Katy was just such an explorer of the options. She tried snowshoeing, skiing, and kicksledding, even using poles while seated to contribute to her momentum.

Liam and Aidan Moore skied and kicksledded with staff and volunteers. With two years of experience at UA programs they were both relaxed in the bright and busy scene. Their mom Patti hopes other families with autism will join them in enjoying the outdoors via our programs.

Marian Irwin gets a little support with the aid
of a gait belt to assist her balance.
It was 18 year old Marian Irwin's first time on skis. She came with her mother and aunt, who also got on skis and had a lesson of their own. After Marian got used to being on the snow using a ski-walker for balance, she quickly graduated to using ski poles. At the end of their excursion, her smiling mother announced they would be back!

We'll be back at the Weston Ski Track next Sunday, February 13th from 12 noon to 4pm. We'll return again the following holiday Monday, February 21, then again for the next two Sundays. Thanks to Brenda Davies and her excellent crew of staff and volunteers for their buoyant spirits and attentive support of families on the snow. To register for upcoming programs, call her at 413-259-0009.

CLICK HERE for more photos on facebook!

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