
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Get Ready for the Holyoke Winter Carnival!

We are desperate for snow in southern New England, although I have to admit not having snow sure makes life easier! Outdoor snow sports are suffering - even the outdoor ice is marginal. Let's hope conditions improve so we can break out of our indoor rinks and enjoy some snow soon. In the mean time, hiking adventures and outdoor skating on man-made ice will have to suffice.

Either way, thank goodness for the Holyoke Winter Carnival - a brand new event in western Massachusetts this year! The whole week of January 29-February 4 is devoted to fun events across the city for all ages and tastes, indoors and out! Among the scheduled events are a free pancake breakfast, a dog show, a domino tournament, an ice hockey game between the local police and fire departments, adaptive outdoor recreation with All Out Adventures at Mt. Tom State Reservation, concerts, games, activities, merry-go-round rides, and a spaghetti dinner. There is also a city-wide public art exhibition - of snowmen! Even without snow, snowmen will reign in Holyoke - anyone is invited to enter the exhibition by making and decorating an Elizur-the-Snowman. See their website for instructions and more info.

Ken Johnston, a main organizer of the event, had a daughter with a severe disability and is dedicated to providing accessible elements of the carnival. You can reach him at with your access questions about specific events. DCR's Universal Access Program will be at the closing event at Holyoke Heritage State Park on February 4 with an info table, adaptive winter equipment on display, and adaptive games activities.

Don't miss out on this special event!

1 comment:

  1. I really wish I could attend this event. It really feels like it's fun. Thanks for sharing. All the best!
