
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Adaptive Rowing Going Strong!

Blind rower Barbara Black has found her way into a single.
Summer is over and so are our paddling and sailing programs, but adaptive rowing is still going strong!

The boathouse at Jones Ferry in Holyoke will continue to see a lot of action as rowers keep up their practice and training. Fall is the busy time for races. Several rowers traveled to the Bayada Regatta in Philadelphia in August and had a great time as usual. Holyoke Rows had their annual Paper City Regatta on the Connecticut River 2 weeks ago, in which everyone won a medal. Next races up are the Head of the Charles in Boston on October 20 and the Head of the Fish in Saratoga at the end of this month.

Holyoke Rowers with medals at the Bayada Regatta.
L to R: Ben Kidston, Brian, Nancy, Stephanie, Barbara
Black, Jim Brooks, Jim Sliski and Bo Tanner.
"Jim Brooks has been training hard," says Holyoke Rows owner and coach Stephanie Moore. "he has a good chance of placing!" Jim will race with another long time Holyoke rower Bo Tanner.

Bo wrote a wonderful guest post for Everyone Outdoors last year describing the Bayada Regatta experience.

Nancy is a victorious medal winner!
The two compete as a doubles team in the "trunk and arms" category, meaning rowers have use of their trunk and arms to power the racing shell. So far there are six entries in this adaptive race at the Head of the Charles - it is still a new race category in this 48 year old international event that brings 30,000 spectators to Boston. No matter what, they will have a memorable time competing in this annual spectacle on the Charles River.

Best of luck Holyoke Rowers! 

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